Tennis Club Odense – en historisk perle i international tennis

TC Odense er den. 24 oktober officielt optaget på generalforsamlingen i Lausanne i Schweiz i den prestigefyldte ITF CTC forening af klubber, der tilsammen har skrevet historien om tennissporten globalt i verden. Danmark kan nu være stolt af, at der er 2 tennisklubber, KB og TCO, som begge har haft en historisk betydning for udvikling og udbredelse af tennissporten både lokalt, nationalt og internationalt.

Sammen med TCO består netværket i dag af 70 klubber fra 29 lande. Fælles for dem alle er, at de har en historie, der går over 100 år tilbage. De afholder Internationale turneringer og stævner samt arrangerer venskabsbesøg for både juniorer og seniorer.

2015-CTC-AGM Se flere billeder <<< her >>>

Se turneringsprogram her 2015 CTC Schedule. Fra næste år kan alle TCO´s medlemmer benytte sig af denne mulighed og deltage i disse internationale junior- og senior stævner verden over. Der er både de sportslige, sociale og venskabsturneringer.



2015 CTC Annual General Meeting

The Centenary Tennis Clubs Association held its 19th Annual General Meeting in Lausanne on Saturday October 24th, 2015. Representatives from 17 different member Clubs attended the meeting, which was chaired by the organisation’s President, Juan Maria Tintore.

Three new clubs were accepted into the Association: Grasshopper Tennis Club from Zurich, Switzerland, Guayaquil Tennis Club from Ecuador and Tennis Club Odense from Denmark, bringing the CTC’s total number of members to 70 from 29 different countries.

The Assembly heard details of how the organisation’s 2015 activities progressed, including an update from the second CTC Competition in South America, which was held recently in Santa Fe Lawn Tennis Club.

The meeting was highlighted by the presentation by Mr. Shono Naouyoki, the President of Yokohama International Tennis Community, who spoke of the progress in the organization of the 2nd CTC Asia tournament, which is due to take place in Yokohama from November 12-14th, 2016.

Affiliated to Tennis Europe and a recognized organization of the International Tennis Federation, the Centenary Tennis Clubs Association was founded on June 1996 by eight European Clubs with the aim of promoting the traditions of the sport of tennis. All of the member clubs can claim more than 100 years of history and a significant tennis tradition.
