Saturday match for the Fynsserien team

Finally the cold seemed to loosen its grip on the Danish spring and the first team match for the Fynsserie team was to be played.

Due to cancellations from player on the 1st division- and 2nd division teams we were reaching for the aces up the sleeve.

The Fynsserie team was:

  1. Per Ipsen
  2. Trevor Tabaka
  3. Jesper Anker
  4. Kristan Winther

Per – playing first single – have been down with the flu for the last couple of days, but never the less he showed up and gave more that everything he had in him.

Per was up 3-2 and had advantage when the flu came back with a vengeance, and unfortunately Per had to struggle both a very well playing first single from Langeskov (Ulrik Karlsen) and the urge to vomit the rest of the match. In spite of being dizzy and seeing double Per managed to get 3-6 2-6. I have never seen a guy look as sick as Per did after that match…

On the position of second single Trevor – our new player from Minnesota – also started out with a handicap. Both big toes had bloody blisters, so moving was troublesome – to say the least. The Langeskov second single (Søren Kruse Andersen) soon learned to keep the rallies going to raise the pain level in poor Trevors toes. So, in spite of a very manly effort Trevor had to cash in a score of 0-6 2-6.

On third position Jesper was having a comeback, with a soccer related injury in his back thigh. Jesper has played about 1½ hours since Christmas but still had his big serves intact. The Langeskov third single (Jonas Wallstrøm) was standing down by the fence, but managed to scrape the big serves back. Then his used his experience and better shape to provoke errors from Jesper, who also ended up with a few blisters in his hand. In spite of some awesome forhand winners and service aces Jesper lost 1-6 1-6.

On forth position Kristian was having a hard time against a consistent competitor. It has been a few year since Kristian played a team match, and Kristian – being the nice guy he is – kept playing to the opponents forehand. Kristian fought valiantly, but the Langeskov player (Henrik Bækkelund) appreciated all the forehands he got to hit, but did not pay back the curtesy and won 6-0 6-0.

The two doubles were teamed by:

  1. Per and Trevor
  2. Jesper and Kristian

Langeskov used a fresh player (Carsten Juhl) in the first double (along with Ulrik). Per did not have to run as much, a fact that also became Trevors toes well, but a bit of misfortune on crucial points and strong playing from Langeskov secured them the match 6-3 6-4.

In the second double Jesper and Kristian was running out of steam against the experienced team from Langeskov (Jonas and Henrik), and lost 3-6 1-6.

Even though the numbers show otherwise I must say that form a team plaqued by illness, injuries, bad shape and lack playing, our team gave not 110%, but around 130%! Those guys really dug deep and battled hard through pain and misery against a fit and experienced team from Langeskov.

You guys really gave all you had, and really deserved that piece of Flemmings awesome birthday cake!!!


Thank you for your dedication, blood, pain and sweat!

Mads Paarup

Team Captain Fynsserien