TCO’s Head Coach to Sadly Step Down Effective September 1st, 2016

In a meeting yesterday with TCO Director, Thomas Hjorth Nyholm, Head Coach Bill Eastburn will step down as the Head Coach of Tennis Club Odense.

The news will be received with much grief by our coaching team, as well as many players and families alike at TCO.  The politics around and the expected financial figures following the new 6 court indoor facility in Odense  didn’t develop as forecasted which now leads to an organizational adjustment per September. 

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TCO´s U12 talenter fik 2.plads i U14 mix double

TCO´s U12 talenter Hana og Pouya spillede mixdouble med U14 spillere ved Gudenå CUP.


I semifinalen vandt de over U14 spillere Mads Jensen og Claudia Karlovic fra Fruens Bøge tennisklub med cifrene 16 64 11/9. I finalen tabte de til Victoria Karlovic (FBT) og Rasmus Rønn Hansen (Kolding tennisklub) med cifrene 64 63.

Tillykke med en flot anden plads.


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